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Meet Our Donors

Donor 4

Wayne Manning

Wayne Manning's career as a minister has taken him and his wife, Janet, all over the country. When an opportunity arose for the couple to become co-ministers at a church in Auburn, they jumped at the opportunity to relocate to the scenic area.

Now retired from the ministry, Wayne conducts web-based training for people studying to become life coaches. The Mannings wouldn't trade the quality of life in Auburn for anything. "Auburn is a beautiful area and we have access to a great hospital and health care services," says Janet. "We love living here."

The Mannings have established deep roots in the community over the years. Wayne is a long-time member of the Auburn Rotary and the Auburn Chamber of Commerce, where he currently serves as president. Through his Rotary Club involvement, Wayne met Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital CEO Mitch Hanna, as well as several members of the Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital Foundation board. Mitch's commitment to providing high quality, affordable care to the community made a big impression on Wayne.

The Mannings began supporting Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital with the belief that a healthy community must have strong local services. Wayne says their charitable gift annuity makes fiscal sense for them, as it allowed the couple to make a gift in support of the hospital's programs and services and receive a fixed income in return.

"Our gift does as much good for the hospital as it does for me," emphasizes Wayne. "Our support is a demonstration that it doesn't take millions from one person; it takes a little from a lot of us."

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